I’ll be publishing a weekly snapshot showing the reported number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 across the Caribbean. The May 1 snapshot can be found here.
Things to note:
- I define the Caribbean as member and associate member states of CARICOM.
- The focus is on reported confirmed cases only. However, the number of reported confirmed cases do not represent all cases, just the ones that were reported and tested positive. Furthermore, testing rules and availability may vary by country.
- There are three data sources that I use: World Health Organization Daily Situation Reports, John Hopkins COVID-19 Map, and Loop News.
- The above sources are checked every Friday night (before 12 AM) – with data being keyed into an Excel spreadsheet.
- This post is divided into 4 sections. Section 1 looks at the total number of reported confirmed COVID-19 cases across CARICOM (table).
- Section 2 looks at the % change in reported confirmed cases between April 17 and April 24 (tables).
- Section 3 looks at a) the total number of reported confirmed COVID-19 cases and b) the number of cases by CARICOM country (charts).
- Section 4 looks at the number of reported confirmed COVID-19 cases by CARICOM country (tables and charts).
Table 1 Below: Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by CARICOM Country as at May 8 2020.
Table 2 Below: May 1 vs May 8 % Change, WHO Situational Reports #102 and #109.
Table 3 Below: May 1 vs May 8 % Change, John Hopkins CSSE COVID-19 Map.
Table 4 Below: May 1 vs May 8 % Change, Loop News COVID-19.
Chart 1 Below: Total Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases across CARICOM (Source WHO Situation Reports: #53, 60, 67, 74, 81, 88, 95, 102 and 109).
Chart 2 Below: Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by CARICOM Country (Source: WHO Situation Reports: #53, 60, 67, 74, 81, 88, 95, 102 and 109).
Chart 3 Below: Total Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases across CARICOM (Source: JH CSSE COVID-19 Map).

Chart 4 Below: Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by CARICOM Country (Source: JH CSSE COVID-19 Map).
Chart 5 Below: Total Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases across CARICOM (Source: Loop News COVID-19).
Chart 6 Below: Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by CARICOM Country (Source: Loop News COVID-19).
Table 5 Below: Anguilla, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 7 Below: Anguilla, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 6 Below: Antigua & Barbuda, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 8 Below: Antigua & Barbuda, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 7 Below: Bahamas, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.

Chart 9 Below: The Bahamas, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 8 Below: Barbados, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 10 Below: Barbados, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 9 Below: Belize, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 11 Below: Belize, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 10 Below: Bermuda, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 12 Below: Bermuda, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 11 Below: British Virgin Islands, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 13 Below: British Virgin Islands, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 12 Below: Cayman Islands, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 14 Below: Cayman Islands, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 13 Below: Dominica, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 15 Below: Dominica, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 14 Below: Grenada, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 16 Below: Grenada, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 15 Below: Guyana, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 17 Below: Guyana, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.

Table 16 Below: Haiti, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 18 Below: Haiti, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 17 Below: Jamaica, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 19 Below: Jamaica, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 18 Below: Montserrat, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 20 Below: Montserrat, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 19 Below: St. Lucia, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 21 Below: St. Lucia, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 20 Below: St. Kitts & Nevis, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 22: St. Kitts & Nevis, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 21 Below: St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 23 Below: St. Vincent & the Grenadines , Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 22 Below: Suriname, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 24 Below: Suriname, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Table 23 Below: Trinidad and Tobago, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 24 Below: Trinidad and Tobago, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.

Table 24 Below: Turks & Caicos, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.
Chart 25 Below: Turks & Caicos, Number of Reported Confirmed COVID-19 Cases.