The charts and accompanying analysis below cover the period October 1st to 15th 2021. As per recent posts, the information presented is either from the dashboard, or derived from dashboard data.

Between October 1 and 15, Barbados recorded 4,164 new cases (an average of 277 per day). The highest number of cases, during this period, was recorded on Oct 15 (346 cases). The lowest number recorded was on Oct 1 (183 cases).

Between Oct 1 and 15, the total number of cases rose from 8,792 to 12,773. An increase of 3,981.

From October 6th, a new value for “In Home Isolation” was added to the dashboard. Chart 6 is the total number of persons in Isolation Facilities and in Home Isolation. At Oct 15 this stood at 3,329 persons.

The average number of 1st doses and 2nd doses administered daily, between Oct 1 and 15, was 569 and 680 respectively. The largest number of 1st doses administered in a single day was on Oct 1 (1,104). The largest number of 2nd doses administered in a single day was on Oct 15 (897).

From October 5th, a new item called the “% Of Eligible Population Vaccinated” was added to the dashboard. This is defined as those persons who are 12 Years and Older. This % Eligible is higher than the % of Population. As at Oct 15, the % of Population Vaccinated is 42.8%, and the % of Eligible Population Fully Vaccinated is 50.8%

Between Oct 1 and 15, a total of 36 persons have died from Covid-19 in Barbados.

Feel free to share the charts above, but please remember to reference caribbeansignal.com as the source.