Barbados Fuel Price Change September 2019

Source: Pixabay

From mid-night September 8 consumers in Barbados will pay more for gasoline and diesel. The retail price of gasoline will be $3.81 BDS per litre, up from $3.78 BDS, 3 cents / 0.8% increase. The retail price of diesel will be $3.02 BDS per litre, up from $2.96 BDS, 6 cents / 2.0% more. (Source: Barbados Today).


For September 2019, the price difference between a litre of gasoline and diesel was $0.79 BDS.

From January to September 2019, the average price of gasoline was $3.76 BDS per litre. For diesel, the average price was $3.03 BDS.

Between January 2015 and September 2019 the average price difference between gasoline and diesel was $0.77 BDS.

Between January 2015 and September 2019, the average price of gasoline was $3.22 BDS per litre. Diesel was $2.45 BDS per litre.

Chart showing Retail Prices for Gasoline and Diesel in Barbados Jan 2015 to Sep 2019
Chart showing Retail Prices for Gasoline and Diesel in Barbados Sep 2016 – 2019