Trinidad Murder Statistics February 2020

Image Source: Pixabay

The total number of murders in Trinidad for February 2020 was 53. This number is based on news reports and accounts obtained from the online editions of several Trinidadian newspapers.


  1. The focus is on Trinidad only.
  2. Data sources are limited to the following media organizations and their websites: Trinidad and Tobago Guardian, Trinidad and Tobago Newsday, Trinidad Express and Loop (Trinidad and Tobago).
  3. At least one of the above sources, if not all four, are periodically checked for reports of murders or killings.
  4. Reports of same are recorded in Excel for further analysis.
  5. The output of the analysis consists of a heat map of murders in Trinidad, as well as a number of charts and tables (e.g., murders by age group, by gender, by address, et cetera).
  6. A review of address and administrative/regional area information is done in conjunction with the GIS Society of Trinidad and Tobago prior to publishing.

Heat Map (below) of Trinidad showing total number of murders between January and February 2020 (click map to enlarge).

Heat Map of Murders in Trinidad – January to February 2020

Chart 1 Below: Number of Murders Per Capita (100,000) in Trinidad.

Chart 1: Number of Murders Per Capita (100,000) in Trinidad.

Table 1 Below: Number of Murders Per Capita (100,000) in Trinidad.

Number of Murders Per Capita (100,000) in Trinidad
Table 1: Number of Murders Per Capita (100,000) in Trinidad

Table 2 Below: List of February 2020 Trinidad murder victims (click table to enlarge).

February 2020 Trinidad Murder Victims
Table 2: February 2020 Trinidad Murder Victims

Chart 2 Below: Number of Murders in Trinidad by Month.

Chart: Number of Murders in Trinidad by Month
Chart 2: Number of Murders in Trinidad by Month

Chart 3 Below: Murder Count in Trinidad by Administrative Division/Region.

Murders by Region, Trinidad, February 2020
Chart 3: Murders by Administrative Division/Region, Trinidad, February 2020

Chart 4 Below: Number of Murders in Trinidad related to…

Chart: Number of Murders in Trinidad Related To...
Chart 4: Number of Murders in Trinidad Related To…

Chart 5 Below: Number of Murder Victims in Trinidad by Age Group.

Chart: Number of Murders in Trinidad by Age Group
Chart 5: Number of Murders in Trinidad by Age Group

Chart 6 Below: Number of Murder Victims in Trinidad by Gender.

Chart: Number of Murder Victims in Trinidad By Gender
Chart 6: Number of Murder Victims in Trinidad By Gender