October Price Change For Fuel and Diesel in Barbados

Barbadians are paying 16% and 13% more for gasoline and diesel respectively compared to October 2016. Effective mid-night Sunday (a.k.a, Monday Oct 2), the retail price of gasoline and diesel changed. Gasoline moves from $3.25 BDS per litre to $3.38 (an increase of 13 cents or 4%) and diesel moves from $2.46 BDS per litre to $2.37 (a decrease of 9 cents or 3.7%).


Here is what retail gasoline and diesel prices looked like in October 2011, ’12, ’13, ’14, ’15, ’16 and ’17:

(September 2011 through to September 2017 can be found here.)


Retail gasoline prices from January 2015 through to October 2017:


Retail diesel prices from January 2015 through to October 2017:


Feel free to share the data, but please remember to list caribbeansignal.com or Amit Uttamchandani as the source.