Barbados Fuel Price Change for July 2022

Fuel Pumps
Source: Pixabay

From mid-night July 3, consumers in Barbados paid more for gasoline and diesel products. The price of gasoline rose from $4.41 BDS per litre to $4.72 ($0.31 / 7.0% increase over June). The price of diesel also rose, going from $4.04 BDS per litre to $4.08 ($0.04 / 1.0% increase over June). Source: Barbados Government Information Service.

The rest of this post explores the July price change in five charts.

Chart 1 Below: Month over Month % Retail Price Variance for Gasoline from January to July 2022.

Chart 1 Below: Month over Month % Retail Price Variance for Gasoline from January to July 2022.
Chart 1

Chart 2 Below: Month over Month % Retail Price Variance for Diesel from January to July 2022.

Chart 2 Below: Month over Month % Retail Price Variance for Diesel from January to July 2022.
Chart 2

Chart 3 Below: Retail Prices for Gasoline and Diesel in Barbados from January 2015 to July 2022 (click image to enlarge).

Chart 3 Below: Retail Prices for Gasoline and Diesel in Barbados from January 2015 to July 2022
Chart 3

Chart 4 Below:  Retail Price difference for Gasoline and Diesel in Barbados for July 2022.

Chart 4 Below:  Retail Price difference for Gasoline and Diesel in Barbados for July 2022.
Chart 4

Chart 5 Below:  Retail Prices for Gasoline and Diesel in Barbados showing the months of July from 2015 to 2022.

Chart 5 Below:  Retail Prices for Gasoline and Diesel in Barbados showing the months of July from 2015 to 2022.
Chart 5 is the personal blog of Amit Uttamchandani. The information presented here does not represent the views, beliefs, opinions, et cetera, of Amit’s employers or associates (past or present).

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